Courses Programmes 2024 - 2025

Summer School 1 Programme

Preliminary Programme for 22nd July - 2nd August

Subject to programme changes.

(10 days: 9 studio days + 1 day study trip)

Last updated 23/04/2024


Where and when: Personal experiences in architecture.

Human inhabitation and environment: Observing and recording.

Mind worlds: Transforming imagination into creative output.

Tools and techniques: Sketching, drawing, and modelling.

Build: Structures, materials, and atmospheres.

Space in the city: How to make a better urban environment.

Communicating and curating: The architectural portfolio.

Course Structure 

In a condensed form, the content covers key elements of the the ARB Part1 criteria. Content and tasks are arranged in a gentle, step-by-step structure that can be flexibly adapted to the needs and progress of the students.


Each day begins at 9 am (except day 1) with an introduction of the daily topic and the related task (1 hour) and has a defined outcome. 

The major part of the day (4 - 5 hrs) consist of studio or outdoor based practical activities, with a 1 hr lunchbreak. 

Outcomes will be shared and discussed each day (1 hour) with an opportunity to critically reflect on the results and to provide peer-feedback. Tutors provide verbal feedback and suggestions for improvement. Tasks are set as individual or small team tasks.  


Friday 19th July

17.00 - 18.00

All participants are invited to join an online welcome-meeting (via ZOOM) with Question and Answer time.  

Monday 22nd July 

9.30 - 17.00 

Welcome Talk and Welcome Walk

"Taking a line for a walk" Introduction to observational sketching and recording, to sketching and drawing techniques.

Exploring Newcastle City Centre, favourite exterior and interior spaces.

Spaces fast and slow, light and dark, wider and narrow...

Tuesday 23rd July

9.00 - 17.00 

"Total Recall" Creative recreation of a personal architectural memory. Architecture is informed by the past, yet projecting into the future. Our experiences in architecture informs our preferences and dislikes.   

Wednesday 24th July

9.00 - 17.00 

"Small is Beautiful" Understanding ergonomics, scale and dimensions. Introducing scale in architecture.  Creating a catalogue of key dimensions. 

Thursday 25th July

9.00 - 17.00 

"Architecture without Architects?" Discovering the vernacular tradition as a source of inspiration. How climate and geography informs architecture. Designing a vernacular structure. 

Friday 26th July 

9.00 - 17.00 

“Urban Utopia” exploring diverse and contrasting areas in Newcastle, originated in distinct futuristic visions. A discovery of how the quality of architecture, the relationship between buildings, our relationship with urban spaces determines what attracts and what repels.

Monday 29th July 

9.00 - 17.00 

"Defying Gravity" Introduction into construction, material and basic architectural representation. How much does a building weight? Basic principles of sustainable design.

Designing vertical and horizontal structures under the criteria of efficiency, sustainability, functionality and aesthetic quality.

Tuesday 30th July 

8.30 - 18.30

Study Trip to Edinburgh (train tickets are included)

Destinations are the Scottish Parliament, exploring architectural gestures and symbols and the Scottish National Museum, exploring light, material and atmosphere. Both venues are free admission. 

Wednesday 31st July 

9.00 - 17.00 

"Tiny House 1" 

Concept design for one room one person house.

Introduction to the principles of site analysis and master planning as well as the principles of sustainable design.

Considering context, access, topography and orientation. 


Thursday 1st August 

9.00 - 17.00 

"Tiny House 2"

Refining and representing the final design proposal.

In section, plan, elevation and model.

Design project presentation. 

Friday 2nd August

9.00 - 17.00 

"Curating & Celebrating"

Compilation and editing of materials and outcomes.

Arranging an exhibition. 

Award ceremony and handout of the course certificates.  

Student sketch: Spaces in the city, public spiral 

Student project: Urban cocoon, improving the narrow "dog-leap" stairs in Newcastle. 

Student project: Exploring urban space - the Grainger Market. 

Student project: Native architecture. 

Student project: Inside - outside space.

Student project: Exploring form and light.

Student drawing: Attempted technical section. 

Knowing, understanding and applying construction methods, materials in correct dimensions is very challenging for a beginner.

In this sample are obvious misconceptions.    

Student project: Illustrated technical section. 

Despite imperfections and missing elements, there is evidence of care and and a growing understanding of scale and dimensions.   

Summer School 2 Programme

Preliminary Programme for 27th August - 6th September

Subject to programme changes.

 (10 days, 9 studio days + 1 day study trip)

Last updated 17/04/2024


Where and when: Personal experiences in architecture

Human inhabitation and environment: Observing and recording

Mind worlds: Transforming imagination into creative output

Tools and techniques: Sketching, drawing, and modelling.

Build: Structures, materials, and atmospheres.

Space in the city: How to make a better urban environment.

Communicating and curating: The architectural portfolio.


Friday 19th  July

17.00 - 18.00  

All participants are invited to join a ZOOM welcome meeting with Question and Answer time.   

Please note: Monday 26th August is a Bank Holiday in UK, the Study trip is arranged for Saturday.

Tuesday 27th August 

9.30 - 17.00 

Welcome Talk and Welcome Walk 

"Taking a line for a walk" Introduction to observational sketching and recording, to sketching and drawing techniques.

Exploring Newcastle City Centre, favourite exterior and interior spaces.

Spaces fast and slow, light and dark, wider and narrow...

Wednesday 28th August

9.00 - 17.00

"Total Recall" Creative recreation of a personal architectural memory. Architecture is informed by the past, yet projecting into the future. Our experiences in architecture informs our preferences and dislikes.

Thursday 29th August

9.00 - 17.00

"Small is Beautiful" Understanding ergonomics, scale and dimensions. Introducing scale in architecture. Creating a catalogue of key dimensions.

Friday 30th August 

9.00 - 17.00 

"Architecture without Architects?" Discovering the vernacular tradition as a source of inspiration. How climate and geography informs architecture. Designing a vernacular structure.

Saturday 30th August

8.30 - 18.30

Study Trip to Edinburgh (train tickets are included)

Destinations are the Scottish Parliament, exploring architectural gestures and symbols and the Scottish National Museum, exploring light, material and atmosphere. Both venues are free admission.

Monday 2nd September 

9.00 - 17.00

“Urban Utopia” exploring diverse and contrasting areas in Newcastle, originated in distinct futuristic visions. A discovery of how the quality of architecture, the relationship between buildings, our relationship with urban spaces determines what attracts and what repels.

Tuesday 3rd September 

9.00 - 17.00 

"Defying Gravity" Introduction into construction, material and basic architectural representation. How much does a building weight? Basic principles of sustainable design.

Designing vertical and horizontal structures under the criteria of efficiency, sustainability, functionality and aesthetic quality.

Wednesday 4th September 

9.00 - 17.00 

"Tiny House 1"

Concept design for one room one person house.

Introduction to the principles of site analysis and master planning as well as the principles of sustainable design.

Considering context, access, topography and orientation.

Thursday 5th September 

9.00 - 17.00

"Tiny House 2"

Refining and representing the final design proposal.

In section, plan, elevation and model.

Design project presentation.

Friday 6th September 

9.00 - 17.00 

"Curating & Celebrating"

Compilation and editing of materials and outcomes.

Arranging an exhibition.

Award ceremony and handout of the course certificates.

Student sketch: Spaces in the city, public spiral 

Student project: urban cocoon, improving the narrow "dog-leap" stairs in Newcastle 

Student project: Exploring urban space - the Grainger Market. 

Student project: Native architecture. 

Student project: Inside - outside space.

Student project: Exploring form and light.

Spring School Programme 

Preliminary Programme 

Subject to programme changes.

updated 20/04/2024


Environment and architecture: Observing human interaction.

Space and form: What makes Architecture.

Tools and techniques: Sketching, drawing, and modelling.

Build: Structures, materials, and atmospheres.

Making Sustainable Architecture: Architect for a day.

Course Structure 

The course, designed as a compact “taster course”, conveys some key fundamentals of architecture in a condensed form.

It helps participants to orient themselves and find out whether architecture could be a future career, but also to generate enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the field of architecture.

Each day begins at 9 am (except day 1) with an introduction of the daily topic and the related task (1 hour). Each day has a defined outcome.

The major part of the day (4 - 5 hrs) consist of studio or outdoor based practical activities, with a 1 hr lunchbreak.

Outcomes will be shared and discussed at the end of each day (1 hour) with an opportunity to critically reflect on the results and to provide peer-feedback. Tutors provide verbal feedback and suggestions for improvement. Tasks are set as individual or small team tasks.


Day 1

All participants are invited to join a ZOOM welcome meeting with Question and Answer time.

17.00 - 18.00  


Day 2 

9.30 - 17.00 

Welcome Talk and Welcome Walk 

"Taking a line for a walk" Introduction to observational sketching and recording, to sketching and drawing techniques.

Exploring Newcastle City Centre, favourite exterior and interior spaces.

Spaces fast and slow, light and dark, wider and narrow... 

Day 3

9.00 - 17.00

Introduction into scale and architectural model making.

Qualities in Architecture.

Simple Space Design: exterior - interior, considering the previous exploration. 

Experimenting with form and light.

Day 4

9.00 - 17.00

Introduction into construction, material and basic architectural representation.

How much does a building weigh?

Basic principles of sustainable design. 

Designing vertical and horizontal structures under the criteria of efficiency, sustainability, functionality and aesthetic quality.

Day 5

9.00 - 18.00 

Unbound imagination and unleashed creativity.

Urban cocoon design competition, cosy modular mini space.

Reflection and documentation (gathering materials for a portfolio) Arranging a poster or mini portfolio.

Final exhibition, award ceremony and conclusion.   

Student project: Structural Exploration

Student project: form, structure, space and light 

Student project: ribbon dance inspired shelter 

Student project: modular urban space design  

Exploring structural strength and efficiency 

Exploring the city from medieval, to industrial to the contemporary.